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Hobart Barracks
The occupying British Army named this former Luftwaffe barracks at the end of the Second World War after the British tank warfare specialist Major-General Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart KBE, CB, single party detmold, DSO, Royal Engineers he was single party detmold General Officer Commanding of 79th Armoured Division until disbandment August These barracks were named after Major-General Sir Percy Cleghorn Stanley Hobart.
We visited this place during Feb 07 and I must admit, single party detmold, it was nice to see it still standing. A few of the blocks have gone and a few houses have cropped up here and there, single party detmold, but all in all it still resembles its former self.
The majority of specific to role buildings messes, guards rooms, etc are in a state of disrepair, however, the good old standard blocks are in good nick. They've been converted into what is now a school, with the aircraft bays being used single party detmold industrial storage. If you've anything on the barracks then please let me know. They also employed Single party detmold tanks in the OP role. It had previously been known as 10th Anti-Tank Regiment Regiment, belonging to 2 Inf Div whilst at Ubique Barracks, Dortmund.
They then went on to become part of 11th Single party detmold Div when given their new title. Disbanded in latewith 4 Armd Wksp taking over their spot within the barracks. One battery of this regiment still survives in 5th Regt. today; Q battery Sannas Post. The workshop was re-named 4 Field Workshop to bring it in to line with corresponding units across the REME. It later became known as 4th Armoured Wksp and then 3 Bn REME, single party detmold.
The Division moved to Paderborn in Another source states that was formed in Hildesheim in Aprilremaining there until Novemberwhen they moved to Herford? Single party detmold anyone confirm this please? We used to have German lessons in the building on the left.
Courtesy of Mr P. Sharing the barracks single party detmold an Artillery Regiment and an RAF spotter squadron. I was a radio mech. and on schemes I always travelled with B squadron REME fitters. In the cellars of HQ single party detmold we found thousands of German aerial photos of various places in England. Lockett From the look-out, the barracks in distance were where the Single party detmold and RAF were housed.
Lockett Cookhouse. Lockett Single party detmold mounting parade on Regimental square, building at top of pic was REME L. Lockett The look-out point on top of the HQ block. Lockett The following 7 photographs were taken by Mr Tony Briscoe during his army service with the REME, stationed at Hobart Barracks during Above and below - Taylorcraft Auster aeroplanes in service with the AAC.
Courtesy of Mr David Buxton 3RTR - The attached picture above is across the car-park towards the Cookhouse. Taken from my barrack room in the HQ complex.
The single party detmold building in the centre is a P. L point which my farther used to run. just out of picture to the left, you might have another single party detmold with it in, was the armoury attached to 4th AW REME.
RHQ for the Army Air Corps stationed here. Old Tower, now a Police Sation. The building was used to house the Officers' Mess shared by 71 Aircraft Workshops, 4 and 9 Regiments Army Air Corps.
The hangar to the right of the building in the photograph was 4 Armoured Workshops location. In the and s I am sure it was not possible to drive through from 71s hanger to 4 Armoured and IIRC there used to be more trees in front of the building. The main kitchen where all junior ranks from every unit in the barracks would eat. I was stationed at Hobart during and yes, it was the 10th Field Regt RA that were there at that time.
It consisted of 3 batteries Q[Sannas Post] Battery, X Bty, and Y Bty. Each battery had a Cromwell which were used as observation posts. Single party detmold battery consisted of 3 Troops, BHQ troop, A Troop, and B Troop, single party detmold. BHQ had the Cromwell and each Troop had 4 Sextons and it was or was it squadren Air OP that were the attached Air OP for the 10th Field Regt R. The main gate was in the hands of the 3rd Royal Single party detmold Regiment Provost I trust this bit of extra info will help you keep a great Web Site up to date.
I was posted in as Cpl RAMC att No 1 Lt AC Wing AAC, in charge of the MI Room. The MO's were Captains Robertson and Willets. The Barrack Rooms we used all had swastikas on the underside of the furniture. The RMP were on the top floor, Medics on the Ground Floor and the RADC in the basement. With me were two 3 RTR orderlies - a Welsh guy and an ex-Canadian guy who was known as Satchmo because he could play the trumpet. He also had a knack with explosives and was always in trouble.
The Physio was an elderly German chap and 2 German girls were typists and clerks. I remember when we had a SAS guy in with a broken leg we had 6 beds for nominal injuries and I was informed that he had "gone out of the window"!
They found him in a Bierkeller somewhere, totally blitzed! Hobart Barracks Built -? Type - Luftwaffe, purpose unclear Original name - Fliegerhorst History - The first unit to be based here were Jagdgeschwader 27 Fighter Wing who were equipped with single engine fighters; Messerschmitt Bf e. The date this unit was at Detmold was 12 Novemeber and Januaryunder the command of Geschwaderkommodore wing commodore--usually a Major, Oberstleutenant, or Oberst in rank Major Wolfgang Schellman, single party detmold.
This was only unit that utilised Detmold over the war period. HQ 20th Armoured Brigade and Signal Squadron 1. Closed 31 July The HQ was formed in August and later moved to HQ 1 BR Corps in Bielefeld. The building in the photo taken at the bottom right hand corner of the red shale single party detmold pitch was the location of the HQ. The following 5 pictures were taken Mr P. Main road into camp. From the look-out, the barracks in distance were where the Artillery and RAF were housed.
Guard mounting parade on Regimental square, building at top of pic was REME L. The following 7 photographs were taken by Mr Tony Briscoe during his army service with the REME, stationed at Hobart Barracks during The following two pictures are courtesy of Sgt, single party detmold.
Cooper C. Bill Farminer, Alan Casey, Ed Cooper, Alan Blofield hidden. As well as the athletics track which can be seen in the background the camp also boasted a 15 ft deep Olympic size swimming pool with 5 metre diving board, single party detmold. Both of these facilities existed beyond the cinema and gymnasium buildings, single party detmold. I suddenly remembered that the Auster aircraft flew from an AOP air observation post.
I then checked on the internet and found that from toRAF Squadron AOP use the Hobart airfield to fly spotter missions in Auster Mk 6 planes. They were then absorbed into the Army Air Corps in keeping the same designation i. e Squadron Army Air Corps who then changed to Skeeter helicopters. I am certain that a Single party detmold Field Regiment 10 Fd Regt RA of self propelled guns occupied the hangar site taken over by Armd Wksps in There was also a small number of Cromwell tanks which I think belonged to them.
Unfortunately the internet has not been forthcoming on which RA regiment it was and I can't remember. Courtesy of Sgt. This was at the bottom end of the red shale hockey pitch, single party detmold.
The room to the left of the door with bars! was occupied by Cpls Williams and Cooper and the Morris Minor belonged to Cooper the scribe.
HQ 1st Light Aircraft Wing AAC was also housed in Hobart Single party detmold. The HQ was formed in August and later moved to HQ 1 BR Corps in Bielefeld, though I don't remember what date. The building in the photo taken at the bottom right hand corner of the red shale hockey pitch was the location of the HQ see above, single party detmold.
I gave six years of my life defending these bloody barracks from the Russians. In the end they still came, took it and wrecked the place. I was National Service in 3 RTR from 61 to 62 at Hobart Barracks. I was A Squadron 3rd Royal Tank Regt clerk and had the pleasure of serving with a great bunch of lads. They were so much fun I was quite choked when I got demobed. Does it seem a long time ago!
The garrison consisted of The Argylls, The Royal Scots Greys Adjutant The Duke of Kent Army Air Corps and of course 3RTR. We also had a large detachment of MPs to try again keep the peace.
I remember that the MPs always tried to get to any trouble with our lads before the German Police as they delighted in knocking hell out of the British lads. Perhaps at times they deserved it!

Hobart Barracks Built -? Type - Luftwaffe, purpose unclear Original name - Fliegerhorst History - The first unit to be based here were Jagdgeschwader 27 (Fighter Wing) who were equipped with single engine fighters; Messerschmitt Bf blogger.com date this unit was at Detmold was 12 Novemeber and January , under the command of Geschwaderkommodore (wing commodore--usually a Major Single Party Detmold, Lieu Rencontre Ajaccio, Welche Dating Seiten Sind Seriös, Rencontre Femme Serieuse Compiegne. 41 ans. Troyes, Aube, Champagne-Ardenne. Femme aux cheveux blonds, aux cheveux mi-longs, aux yeux verts, célibataire, avec aucun enfants, avec cap, militaire, qui Single Party Detmold fume jamais. 55 ans Different opportunities in different cities - check what you can do in every single city on blogger.com
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