DOI: /SSRN Corpus ID: The Single Index Model & the Construction of Optimal Portfolio: A Case of Banks Listed on NSE India @article{GautamTheSI, title={The Single Index Model \& the Construction of Optimal Portfolio: A Case of Banks Listed on NSE India}, author={J. Gautam and S. Singh}, journal={Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets \& Sharpe’s Single Index Model. Constructing Optimal Portfolio: With the help of Single index model, portfolio managers and security analysts can easily identify based on security’s excess return to beta ratio, whether security should be included as part of optimal portfolio or not. Single index model gives ‘single value’ which explains the desirability of including any security in Sharpe’s Single Index Model is very useful to construct an optimal portfolio by analyzing how and why securities are included in an optimal portfolio, with their respective weights calculated on the basis of some important variables under
Single-Index Model for Security Returns
Show all documents Top PDF Optimal Portfolio Construction by Using Sharpe Single Index Model. Optimal Portfolio Construction by Using Sharpe Single Index Model A combination of securities with different risk-return profile will constitute the portfolio of the investor. The main objective of portfolio management is to maximize the returns from the investments and to minimize the risk involved in investmentThe modern view of investment is oriented more go towards the assembly of proper combination of individual securities to form investment portfolio.
A combination of securities held together will give a beneficial result if they grouped in a manner to secure higher returns after taking into consideration the risk elements. portfolio is a combination of assets or it consists of collection of securities, single index model+portfolio construction.
These holdings are the result of individual preferences, single index model+portfolio construction, decisions of the holders regarding risk, return and a host of other considerations. It is investment of funds in different securities in which the total risk of the Portfolio is minimized while expecting single index model+portfolio construction return from it.
It primarily involves reducing risk rather than increasing return. Return is obviously important though, and the ultimate objective of portfolio manager is to achieve a chosen level of return by incurring the least possible risk, single index model+portfolio construction.
Appropriate selection of securities can assure good returns to investors and can also help to reduce the losses. To illustrate the modela real portfolio selection problem is presented. The study is carried out to fulfil the objectives like i to construct an optimal portfolio by implementing Sharpe's single index model.
ii To know the proportion of each security in the optimal portfolio. For the study, stocks of BSE 30 companies were taken and the optimal portfolio was constructed with single index model+portfolio construction companies. The popular method for analyzing the investment portfolio of stocks is the Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM. This method can be used to estimate the expected return will be received by an investor related to the rate of risk.
To measure the performance of a stock portfolioCAPM method combined with Markowitz method. This method is very complicated because it involves a lot of variance and covariance in calculating risk portfolio. Markowitz model was developed to be Single Index Model SIM to make more simple and practical.
Optimal Portfolio Selection Based On Jordanian Infrastructure Sub-Index Returns Medda conclude that when the infrastructure sub- index is jointed with other assets, the portfolio provide a higher Sharpe Sub- single index model+portfolio construction than the Sharpe Sub- index attained by investing in any single asset.
Using an asset pricing method, single index model+portfolio construction, Bianchi, Drew, and Whittaker investigate whether infrastructure is considered asset class. They provide evidence that listed infrastructure index returns are not indeed an asset class or a separate asset class. Their result proposes that listed infrastructure does not generate enough differences in their risk and return, as well as their correlation. Bianchi, et al. Panayiotou find that infrastructure comprise of different heterogeneous infrastructure indices.
Therefore, investors will be able to gain comprehensive knowledge of the performance of the index and still appreciate diversification benefits. A t-Copula-based Conditional Value-at-Risk model to simulate risk and returns, Chakkalakal, Hommel, and Li examine the transport sub-sector individually and in a multi-asset, index -based portfolio.
Their results reveal that the transport sub-sector single index model+portfolio construction a relatively low dependency on other stocks. By comparing Value-at-Risk VaR and Conditional Value-at-Risk CVaR scores for both the mean-variance framework and the t- Copula simulation, they also point out the limitations of traditional VaR methods, single index model+portfolio construction.
The study contributes to the infrastructure finance literature in two ways. Firstly, Jordanian infrastructure sub- index returns perform differently and they have sufficient differences in their tail risks, monthly returns and volatilities which lead to large fluctuations when computing optimal portfolio selection. Therefore, fund managers must recognize these features related to infrastructure sub-indexes that play an important role in driving optimal portfolio decision marking.
Secondly, based on UryasevKrokhmal, Palmquist, single index model+portfolio construction, and Uryasevand Topaloglou, Vladimirou, and Zenios methodology is that it allows us to gauge tail-risk at the level of Jordanian infrastructure sub-indexes by using this information in a MV and M-CVaR framework.
Thirdly, this paper employs a large sample that consists of all Jordanian infrastructure sub- indexes and it covers the period from January to February Therefore, single index model+portfolio construction, it is providing a comprehensive view about computing optimal portfolio selection in Jordan and how this optimal portfolio should be constructed, single index model+portfolio construction. Adoption of M- Wallet: A way Ahead This research aim to compare the result of optimal portfolio formation between Markowitz and Single Index Models based on Mean-Variance criterion.
The optimal portfolio with Markowitz Model is calculated by minimizing risk and determine the specific expected return level. Optimal portofolio calculation with Single Index Model results the proportion fund of each stock, single index model+portfolio construction, thus it obtained the expected return and risk of the portfolio. The Comparison based on M-V criterion performed by determining the same expected return level portfolio of the Single Index Modelas a constraint on the Markowitz Model to minimize the risk.
This research was applied to stocks in Jakarta Islamic Index JII. At the same expected return rate of 1. Based on the M-V Criterion, it can be concluded that the optimal portfolio formation with Markowitz Model is more dominant than the Single Index Single index model+portfolio construction on Jakarta Islamic Index JII single index model+portfolio construction in the period of December1 stNovember 30 th Determination Of Lq 45 Stocks Portfolio Performance Model by using single index model.
Establishing an optimal portfolioinvestors should consider several other factors beyond the stock price factor, LQ IndexInterest Rate of Bank Indonesia SBImacroeconomic factors and fundamental analysis of the issuer [6].
This study assumes that the rate of single index model+portfolio construction between two stocks or more will be correlated moving together and have the same reaction to a single factor or index entered in the modelthe LQ Index. However, single index model+portfolio construction, in reality the expected return and the level of risk described by the standard deviations and stock covariance are actually not only sensitive over there single index model+portfolio construction influencing factor.
Meanwhile, single index model+portfolio construction, according to Gerlachthe exchange rate of dollar against rupiah, interest rate, inflation and GDP growth simultaneously affect the stock price index of property sector, while partially exchange rate of dollar to rupiah have positive significant effect to stock price index of property sector while inflation has a significant negative effect on the stock index of the property sector.
For Variable Interest rates and GDP growth are partially insignificant in affecting the Property index [7]. Zakariastates that variables macroeconomic factors that affect the Joint Stock Price Index and LQ45 are significant Industrial Production IndexExchange Rate, single index model+portfolio construction, and SBI Interest Rate. Exchange rate gives a positive influence on JCI and LQ While Industrial Production Index and Interest Rate give single index model+portfolio construction negative effect against IHSG and Single index model+portfolio construction While Athukorala found that the weakening of the rupiah against the US dollar, the strengthening of the composite stock price index and rising world oil prices will provide a good return for energy stocks and energy mining in Indonesia Stock Exchange vice versa[8].
Nezky analyzed how the impact of the crisis in the United States against Indonesia's capital market significantly, she saw the movement of Composite Stock Price Index proven to provide a direct response to the change Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIwhere the single index model+portfolio construction is more important in explaining the movement of Composite Stock Price Index compared to exchange rate, Production Index IPand International Trade Tax PPI.
The result showed that Indonesian capital market is still heavily influenced by foreign capital markets, so if a shock occurs on major stock indexes abroad it will easily lead to panic among domestic investors[9]. Multi-objective portfolio optimization of mutual funds under downside risk measure using fuzzy theory Pages Download PDF Mutual fund is one of the most popular techniques for many people to invest their funds where a professional fund manager invests people's funds based on some special predefined objectives; therefore, performance evaluation of mutual funds is an important problem.
This paper proposes a multi-objective portfolio optimization to offer asset allocation. The proposed model clusters mutual funds with two methods based on six characteristics including rate of return, variance, semivariance, turnover rate, Treynor index and Sharpe index. Semivariance is used as a downside risk measure. The proposed model of this paper uses fuzzy variables for return rate and semivariance.
A multi-objective fuzzy mean-semivariance portfolio optimization model is implemented and fuzzy programming technique is adopted to solve the resulted problem. The proposed model of this paper has gathered the information of mutual fund traded on NASDAQ from to and Pareto optimal solutions are obtained considering different weights for objective functions.
The results of asset allocation, rate of return and risk of each cluster are also determined and they are compared with the results of two clustering methods. Taking BSE SENSEX as market performance index and considering daily indices along with the daily prices of sampled securities for the period of April to Marchthe proposed method formulates a unique cut-off rate and selects those securities to construct an optimal portfolio whose excess return to beta ratio is greater than the cut-off rate.
Then, proportion of investment in each of the selected securities is computed on the basis of beta value, unsystematic risk, and excess return to beta ratio and cut-off rate of each of the securities concerned, single index model+portfolio construction.
This study aims to build an optimal portfolio using a single index model and assess the performance of the stock portfolio of each sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange using the Treynor index. This study studies and searches for the level of risk along with the return of shares in each sector and also makes the most optimal portfolio in each sector.
This study compares the performance of the portfolio of primary sector stocks with the secondary sector, the primary sector with the tertiary sector, single index model+portfolio construction, and the secondary sector with the tertiary sector in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The study was conducted in April with the period of the object under study being the last 1 year, single index model+portfolio construction, from the beginning of January to the end of December The scope of this research is stocks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the beginning to the end of grouped by sector and compared to each other, single index model+portfolio construction.
There is a significant difference in the performance of the primary sector stock portfolio with the secondary sector and the secondary sector with the tertiary sector on the IDX, but there is no significant difference in the performance of the primary sector stock portfolio with the tertiary sector on the IDX.
This is estimated because returns and risks from the primary sector and tertiary sector tend to be the same. This study can provide empirical evidence regarding the differences in the performance of stock portfolios in each sector on the IDX. The practical implication of this research is to assess the performance of the stock portfolio and advise investors in terms of purchasing the right stocks in each sector on the IDX.
Optimum Portfolio Construction Using Sharpe Index Model With Reference to Infrastructure sector and Pharmaceutical Sector Infrastructure sector, not only is the backbone of an economy, single index model+portfolio construction also plays vital role in India's social and cultural segments. It contributes significantly to the growth of gross domestic product GDPwhile creating opportunities for employment and investment.
The Government single index model+portfolio construction India is laying intense focus on infrastructure development in the country, to make it more attractive to global investors.
The report, prepared for Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors RICSstates that about 97 million jobs are likely to be created over across different sectors in the country due to which, India would potentially need to build an average of 8. This would be a great attraction for investors looking for opportunities in the infra segment.
Here we considered beginning of year as rise of stock price bubble in Dhaka Stock Exchange. Hence single index model+portfolio construction from is considered as ex ante stock price bubble period. Using DSI All share price index in Dhaka Stock Exchange as market index and considering daily indices for the March to December period, the proposed method formulates a unique cut off point cut off rate of return and selects stocks having excess of their expected return over risk-free rate of return surpassing this cut-off point.
Here, risk free rate considered to be 8. Interestingly, most of the stocks selected turned out to be bank stocks. Again we went for single index model applied to same stocks those made single index model+portfolio construction the optimum portfolio in ex single index model+portfolio construction stock price bubble scenario considering data for the period of January to June We found that all stocks failed to make the pass Single Index Model criteria i.
excess return over beta must be higher than the risk free rate. Here for the period of tothe risk free rate considered to be Portfolio construction using the sharpe index model with reference to sugar and metal sector on India Nineteen companies selected from two sectors resulted in portfolio consisting of eleven companies from both SUGAR and METAL sector. Only those eleven companies meet the criteria according to Sharpe index model. Portfolio has mix of companies from SUGAR and METAL sector.
Investing in share market involves many factors and it is challenging depending upon various situations. Investors have to earn maximum return with reduced risk. Their investment criteria depend upon their capability and different forces in the share market. This portfolio construction will be helpful for the investors to take good investment decisions. It also support to make high return investment in the future in companies from metal sector based on the current changing trends in the market.
There is no restriction to invest in only companies from one sector; they can diversify their venture in other sectors also to earn high returns. The above mentioned tracks are only indicative, and not exhaustive. The Construction of Optimal Portfolio Using Single index model+portfolio construction Single Index Model - An Empirical Study on Nifty Metal Index The security analysis and portfolio management has emerged as the most important aspect for rational investment and decision making.
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THE SINGLE INDEX MODEL & THE CONSTRUCTION OF OPTIMAL PORTFOLIO: A CASE OF BANKS LISTED ON NSE INDIA Saurabh Singh*, Jayant Gautam** Abstract number of covariance estimates made the job of security analysis and portfolio- analysis computation somewhat easy. Explanation is provided wherever necessary related to design of the Single Index data taken for the application of single index Wie Viel Singles Gibt Es In Deutschland, Single index model+portfolio construction. Eine person ist an corona chat app dating verstorben, so teilt es das klinikum memmingen mit. Das ferienhaus klara liegt in humes, einem ortsteil von eppelborn, mitten im saarland! Auch die stoffmasken, die beim verein noch auf lager sind, werden einem guten zweck zugute kommen und dating sites app username Single Index Model Portfolio Construction, Single Party Wittenberg, Site De Rencontre Femme Cherche Homme, Site De Rencontre Extra-conjugales Pour Femmes
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